CONSIGNMENT SALES AGREEMENT ____________________, referred to as OWNER, and _______________________, referred to a CONSIGNOR agree: ____________________ consigns to _______________________ the following described vehicle: MAKE: MODEL: BODY TYPE: YEAR: VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: The title to the same shall remain at all times until a bona-fide sale in the owner of the consigned goods. OWNER may recall and take possession of the consigned property at any time. At all times CONSIGNOR has goods owned by ____________________ in its possession, _______________________ shall, and at its expense, maintain multi-peril inventory insurance in an amount equal to the value of the goods with ____________________ named as a loss payee on a long form loss payable clause. Should CONSIGNOR fail to maintain such coverage, ____________________ may obtain the same, and _______________________ shall upon presentation of an invoice therefor, pay for the same on sight. The minimum sales price for the vehicle shall be $ ____________ (_____________________________ & ____/100 dollars.) From the net sales price, CONSIGNMENT merchant shall be allowed a flat fee of $ _______ (_____________________________ & ____/100 Dollars) The proceeds of the sale of the goods of owner shall be deposited in a special escrow account and shall not be commingled with the funds of _______________________, or the funds of others. The funds received shall be deemed to be trust funds and shall be deemed to be held in trust and for the sole benefit of ____________________. _______________________ is authorized, provided that all accountings are timely filed and all sales proceeds have been deposited to withdraw its commission from the account. However, should any instruments accepted by _______________________ not be honored, _______________________ shall remain liable to repay the same. Dated: FOR ____________________: _______________________________________________ FOR _______________________: _______________________________________________